5 steps to bring DevX automation to your company
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Welcome to the new era of development experience

Close the gap from production to development through automated environments on Kubernetes

Driving innovation together with our customer community

Transform development for your company

Your developers should be focused on innovation and writing code, not navigating the complexities of cloud native environments.

With Okteto, platform engineering can automate building, provisioning and managing production-like environments with everything a developer needs to get straight to delivering value.

Monday.com Success

With less time and resources spent on managing the complexities of environment setups, developers are more productive and new team members onboard quickly.

Scrap work
Adoption growth

Playable Worlds Success

A DevX-first approach automates the development inner loop, shifting left the verification process for each developer. Outcomes include increased productivity, reduced cognitive load, and enhanced velocity.

Engineering savings
Reduced waste
Increased velocity

Replicated Success

Okteto removes the need for engineers to be highly skilled in Kubernetes, making it easier and faster to onboard new team members and get them straight to delivering business value.

Monthly savings

Solutions that help your teams ship faster

Shorten the inner development loop

Okteto simplifies the feedback process for developers by providing ephemeral development and preview environments that are provisioned to look just like production. There’s no need to wait to see results through commit, deploy and long CI builds - just code and test directly in your production-like environment.

Marc Campbell
CTO & Co-Founder, Replicated
Okteto just works; with it we can set the bar higher with what we expect from the dev environment and our team.

Accelerate developer productivity

In today’s world of microservice development, there is a lot of noise and complexity in development. With Okteto, Platform teams have the opportunity to reduce developer cognitive load by designing and provisioning self-service, production-like environments.

Standardize and streamline workflows

Define, provision, and customize development environments and all dependencies with ease, ensuring consistency across your entire organization. Say goodbye to manual configurations and hello to streamlined development workflows, accelerating innovation and collaboration.

Take Okteto for a test drive

Whether you're new to the platform or looking to dive deeper into features, our guided tour shows how Okteto works and how it can benefit your team.

  • Streamlined development workflow: Spin up ephemeral development environments inside Kubernetes
  • Preview environments: Okteto automatically spins up preview environments on every Git pull request
  • Hot reloading: App developers can code locally and instantly see changes inside the production-like dev environment, all before merge
  • Platform management: As a platform engineer, see how to define, deploy and manage environments in Okteto

Empower your teams with self-service development

Tailor development environments to match specific project requirements, ensuring that each team has the tools and resources they need to succeed. Developers can easily spin up their own development environments on demand, eliminating the need to wait for infrastructure provisioning.

Accelerate Testing and Collaboration with Preview Environments

Streamline the testing process and facilitate collaboration by automatically provisioning instant preview environments for every pull request. Instant access to preview environments shortens feedback loops and enables teams to iterate quickly and respond to feedback more efficiently. This accelerates the development cycle and reduces time-to-market for new features.

Lior Rabin
Infrastructure Tech Lead, monday.com
The productivity increase is huge. Developers don't need any extra time handling environment setup and can work on what matters, which is the product itself.

A complete platform for teams who care about DevX

Production-like Environments

The easiest and most reliable way to ensure what works in development will work in production

Self-service Automation

Provision any cloud resources (storage buckets, databases, etc.) your application needs in a single click

Manifest Driven Experience

Define all of your environments in a single manifest to ensure repeatability, trust and standardization

Developer Approved

Developers code in their favorite IDE, save changes, and see the results immediately on a Kubernetes development environment

Cost Control

Have a controlled and automated solution for expensive, long-running environments

Easy Onboarding

Provide users with a catalog of centrally-managed and pre-configured environments so they can be productive on day one.

Hear from companies building modern DevX

See how our customers are unlocking 200% increases in development ROI

Keep exploring...

Automating development environments and delivering the ultimate DevX is one step away.

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Tell us about your use case and we’ll show you how to automate it

Success stories

Don't just take it from us - learn from customers who are innovating and experiencing big wins


Resources for platform engineering teams designing modern DevX