10 posts tagged with "okteto"
Meet the Crew: Ashlynn Pericacho and John May
Over the last few months, Okteto has hit several exciting milestones. Along with recently raising Series A funding, the team has been thriving and growing...
Okteto Raises a $15M Series A To Disrupt How Software Teams Develop Modern Applications
We are excited to announce that Okteto has raised $15M in Series A financing. The round was led by Villi Iltchev from Two Sigma Ventures, with participation...
KubeCon 2021 - With Preview Environments, Everyone is Invited To the Party
In his DevxDay 2021 talk, Jacob talked about preview environments and why they are crucial for making the software development process more inclusive,...
Welcoming Teresa Romero to Okteto
Our team here at Okteto is growing quickly, and we’re excited to announce that Teresa Romero joined our engineering team this month! Today we’re going...
We Need a Cloud-Native Development Experience
In the beginning, development was straightforward: You wrote code, built a binary, and then ran it in your machine to validate that things worked. You...
Level Up Your Review Process With Preview Environments
Reviewing code diffs has been the primary and often sole way of reviewing feature changes in software products. Now that more and more teams are using...
It's No Secret, We Use Okteto
Context I joined Okteto almost 4 months ago with the regular mindset about what devtools are, how to use them, and what a dev environment is supposed...
OctoBot and Okteto
OctoBot is a free open source trading robot written in Python. The vision behind OctoBot is that trading should be accessible to anyone interested in it,...
Announcing Our New Preview Environments Experience
Preview environments help developers test their code and share it with everyone on their team, whether in technical or non-technical roles. It’s one of...
Run your Pull Request Preview Environments on Kubernetes
Have you ever wanted to test the changes in one of your teammate's pull requests? Today it looks like this: commit your local changes, switch your local...