5 steps to bring DevX automation to your company
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WebinarMeasuring ROI of Developer Experience

June 25, 2024 @ 4:00 PM UTC


  • Avatar of Ramiro BerrellezaAvatar of Ramiro Berrelleza
    Ramiro BerrellezaCEO & Co-founder, Okteto

A free workshop for Platform Engineers and Engineering Leaders

Let's discuss proven tactics to measuring developer happiness and why it matters for your business.

Join us for an in-depth workshop where we'll cover the crucial role of developer satisfaction in your organization's overall performance.

From identifying the main causes of unproductive development teams to a proven template for measuring and improving developer experience, this session is packed with actionable insights to elevate your ROI ​on platform engineering initiatives.

You'll leave with a playbook covering:

  • Understanding the impact of DevX on your business
  • Identifying common pain points and friction to developer productivity
  • Mapping measurement areas
  • Running developer surveys
  • Implementing effective strategies