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WebinarConsiderations of Building Versus Buying Development Environments

February 1, 2023 @ 6:00 PM UTC


  • Avatar of Ramiro BerrellezaAvatar of Ramiro Berrelleza
    Ramiro BerrellezaCEO & Co-founder, Okteto
  • Avatar of Marc CampbellAvatar of Marc Campbell
    Marc CampbellCTO & Co-Founder, Replicated

Building an in-house cloud development environment might, at first, seem like a good idea. But building means you’re now responsible for future development investments, ongoing research, compliance, maintenance, bug fixes, platform updates, and support.

As it’s often noted: “easy to build - hard to maintain.”

On Wednesday, February 1st at 10 am PST, join us for a webinar in which Okteto CEO and Co-Founder Ramiro Berrelleza and Replicated Founder Marc Campbell discuss the pros and cons of building versus buying a cloud development platform.

In the webinar, we’ll discuss these four critical areas of consideration before you choose whether to build or buy:

  • The benefits of a secure and scalable platform that mirrors production.
  • The challenge of maintaining ongoing performance and maintenance with a homegrown solution.
  • The importance of making sure your development platform works with current standards.
  • The value of keeping your engineering teams aligned with the core business of building killer apps.

Sign up today and see you on February 1st at 10:00 am PST for the Build versus Buy Webinar.