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Okteto ❤️ Open Source

At Okteto, open source has always been in our DNA. Our company started with our open-source CLI in 2019, and since then, we have invested heavily in open source and building a community of developers around it. We understand the important role open source plays when working on a goal like ours, which has the potential to impact application development for a diverse range of companies and people from all over the world.

List of our open source repositories

Below are a few projects we contribute to. Check out our GitHub page to see them all!

Okteto CLI



VS Code Extension

Docker Desktop Extension

Employees contributions

We value collaboration and open feedback more than anything. Open source has the potential to enable these two things brilliantly! Our employees actively contribute to open source projects and are encouraged to do so!

Some of our employee contributions include:

Javier is one of the core maintainers of Gin, a very popular HTTP web framework written in Go

Ramiro actively contributes to a lot of open source projects - LitmusChaos, Arkade, PostHog, and Cal.com, to name a few

Jacob helps out with various open source projects including containerd and buildkit

Arsh is an active contributor to many areas in the Kubernetes project

In the spirit of open source, we also believe in sharing our learnings with the community and helping out new contributors. You'll see our employees speaking at a lot of conferences based around open-source software and writing blogs to share their knowledge:

Javier and Pablo are the founders of Docker Madrid Meetup and Cloud Native Madrid Meetup

Pablo has written several blogs based on our technical learnings building Okteto

Arsh has authored a series to teach Kubernetes concepts to beginners and serves as the New Contributor Ambassador for Kubernetes SIG Docs


We also recognize the crucial role open source plays in improving developers' collaboration and software development skills. You'll find that our team has a history of sponsoring and helping out with meetups on open source technologies! We are also proud members of The Linux Foundation and Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

Logos of The Linux Foundation and Cloud Native Computing FoundationLogos of The Linux Foundation and Cloud Native Computing Foundation