5 posts tagged with "open-source"

What Is the Kubernetes Release Team and Why You Should Consider Applying
Kubernetes 1.25 just got released. I consider myself very lucky to be able to help with the release as the CI Signal Lead and get to work with the amazing...

Developing Microservices by Hot Reloading on Kubernetes Clusters
Let me jog your memory with how we used to develop applications not so long ago. We would bring up the application, write some code, hit save, see our...

Announcing the Launch of Okteto CLI 2.0!
I think you'll agree that, as developers, we enjoy innovating and working on exciting new features more than anything else. We'd get some coffee and play...

Making Your CLI More Accessible Using Fig
No matter how many times I use kubectl or docker in a day, I just can't seem to remember the exact subcommands and what they do. I often find myself using...
Okteto and Chaos Testing with Litmus - Webinar
Ramiro did a webinar last week along with Uma and Karthik of ChaosNative on how to use Okteto and Litmus Chaos to get your Chaos Engineering practice started....