16 posts tagged with "announcements"
Introducing Okteto Divert
Here at Okteto, we’re always looking for ways to make development easier for cloud native developers. One feature we thought could be beneficial is the...
What’s New in Okteto CLI — June 2021
We’re excited to announce our latest Okteto CLI release! We’re officially on CLI Version 1.13. Read on to find out what’s new in Okteto CLI! New Feature...
What’s New in Okteto Enterprise — June 2021
Enterprise version 0.9 is officially released and there are a lot of cool features we’re excited to share with you. Here at Okteto, we’re focused on improving...
Civo and Okteto
We’re excited to announce that Okteto Enterprise is now available in the Civo Marketplace! Okteto Enterprise reduces most of the friction that comes from...
Connect your applications across multiple namespaces
Okteto Cloud gives you access to Kubernetes namespaces, helping you focus on your application, instead of the infrastructure. Our initial idea was to keep...
Private Endpoints for your Applications
When you deploy applications in Okteto, you automatically get endpoints with valid SSL certificates. This way, you can develop and test your applications...
Cloud-Based Development Environments from any Git Repository
Cloud-based development environments are getting a lot of traction due to its great benefits: instant onboarding, access to cloud infrastructure with no...
Okteto Cloud is Now Available in your Favorite Android Device
Our community star Jeevanjot Singh is back at it again. You might remember him from the post we wrote a couple of weeks ago on how to get started with...
Okteto Cloud meets GitOps
GitOps is the new way to deliver applications in Kubernetes. It uses Git as a single source of truth for your applications, automating delivery by using...
Okteto Push - Your Code to Kubernetes in Seconds
We've been talking to a lot of developers since we started building Okteto. Every team has very unique challenges, but one that came up pretty regularly...
Okteto Registry - A container registry for your dev images
When I'm working on a new feature or service there are always moments where I want to get a snapshot of my progress and test it end to end. I'll save all...
Local Kubernetes Development With Crossplane and Okteto
Last week I co-hosted an episode of The Binding Status with Crossplane's maintainer Daniel Mangum. It was a blast! We talked about our open source project,...
A Developer-First User Interface
Our main goal at Okteto is to build software experiences that developers love and help them be much more productive. A crucial part of providing a great...
Deploy OpenFaaS in One Click
OpenFaaS is an open source project that makes it simple to deploy functions to Kubernetes written on any language. Many well known companies use it to...
Deploy Helm 3 Applications with Okteto Cloud
We are very excited to announce that you can now launch Kubernetes applications directly from Okteto Cloud (powered by Helm 3 💪🏽). Click on the new Deploy...
Easier Kubernetes debugging with Okteto
We recently published a survey to help us better understand how developers are using Kubernetes in their day-to-day workflows. One of the questions was...