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Okteto at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe

Okteto at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EuropeOkteto at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe

Last week is something we here at Okteto will cherish for a long time! It was a huge milestone for us, as this was the first time we as a company were present at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe. Here's a rundown of our highlights from the conference!

The Booth

The Okteto booth was where we spent most of our time during the conference hours - and it was an amazing experience! We gave a lot of demos and introduced attendees to our platform. It was particularly great to meet a lot of users of our open source CLI. Having these people stop by and tell us how much they liked our product is a feeling none of us could ever forget!

Apart from that, we also talked to a lot of developers facing the exact problem we solved. This reinforced our belief that the goal we're working towards is going to make lives easier for A LOT of developers! It was also very satisfying to see the look of amazement on their faces when they realized how Okteto could provide them with a fantastic developer experience out of the box! :)

Talks, Talks, and Talks

The cherry on top was that in our first KubeCon as a company, two team members of Okteto got their talks accepted at KubeCon!

On the first day of the main conference, I presented a talk titled "Prow! Leveraging Developer-Centric CI for Your OSS Project!". This talk summarized why Prow is an excellent CI/CD system for open source projects and how maintainers can configure it for their repositories.

On the next day, Ramiro gave a talk about how developers can leverage chaos engineering when writing modern cloud native applications. If you missed the session, you should keep an eye on the CNCF YouTube channel for it because he had a really cool demo prepared showing how Okteto and LitmusChaos can be combined to develop resilient Cloud Native applications.

We also learned a lot about what's happening in upstream Kubernetes and the CNCF ecosystem from the talks and sessions during the Contributor Summit and the main conference.

Go Team Okteto!

Being a completely remote company, we're always looking forward to events like KubeCon, which allows us to meet each other in person. More than anything else, I think we'll treasure the time we got to spend together last week in the beautiful city of Valencia. I'm already missing all the paella and conversations we had!

The Road Ahead

This was only the beginning for us. The conference provided us with valuable insights and more motivation than ever to work on our dream of making cloud native application development a simple and enjoyable process for developers. If you could not attend this time or missed us, feel free to reach out or book a demo. Else, you can also catch us at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America in October! :)

Arsh SharmaDeveloper Experience Engineer / Emojiologist 😜View all posts

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