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Automated Kubernetes Development Environments

Get straight to developing with ephemeral environments that look like production

Empower teams with instant development environments

Platform engineers can predefine environment options, sparing developers the need to manually configure settings. With just a click, developers can effortlessly launch trusted development environments, freeing up their time to focus on coding and shipping value to your customers.

See how it worksScreenshot of the Okteto application displaying ephemeral development environmentsScreenshot of the Okteto application displaying ephemeral development environments

Automatically provision any cloud resource your application needs

RDS Databases? Storage Buckets? SQS Queues? You name it. Okteto provisions any cloud resource your application needs on the cloud provider of your choice when developers launch their development environments. This not only saves developers' time, but also prevents misconfigurations caused by ad hoc infrastructure setups.

Diagram of including external resources in automated environmentsDiagram of including external resources in automated environments
Hot and sluggish laptopHot and sluggish laptop

Code Locally, Run on Kubernetes

Don't wait hours to see results by committing, deploying, and waiting for CI builds. Okteto connects your local machine to a Kubernetes cluster so you see the results of the code you write in a production-like environment as soon as you hit save!

Don't change your existing developer workflows

Okteto doesn't place any limitation on developers' choice of IDEs, programming language, or tech stack. It allows your teams to use all the tools they already love. Okteto just removes the tiring frustrations of setting up environments and building your changes to get feedback - leaving everything else just as it was!

Use Okteto alongside your own toolsUse Okteto alongside your own tools
Hybrid development with OktetoHybrid development with Okteto

Abstract away the complicated configs

Just run `okteto up` and leave the rest to us. If you have 50+ microservices or a bunch of data that needs cloning, you'll get a realistic replica of your production environment quickly and with minimal effort. Okteto works with your already existing Helm charts, docker-compose, or Kubernetes manifests right out of the box!

Ready to see how Kubernetes Development Environments can impact velocity?

We’re here to help. Let’s discuss your project.

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Automated development environments help everyone go faster. We’re sure there’s an Okteto solution for your team.

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For platform engineering teams improving developer experience at their companies