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Deploy Private GitHub Repositories

You can now deploy private GitHub repositories with Okteto Cloud.

You can deploy your private repositories using Okteto Pipelines, the okteto CLI, or even automatically create preview environments.

Learn more in our Private GitHub Repositories documentation.

Ramiro BerrellezaCEO & Co-founder View all posts

What’s New in Okteto CLI — June 2021

We’re excited to announce our latest Okteto CLI release! We’re officially on CLI Version 1.13. Read on to find out what’s new in Okteto CLI! New Feature...

June 23, 2021
Avatar of Melissa WilliamsAvatar of Melissa WilliamsMelissa Williams

What’s New in Okteto Enterprise — June 2021

Enterprise version 0.9 is officially released and there are a lot of cool features we’re excited to share with you. Here at Okteto, we’re focused on improving...

June 21, 2021
Avatar of Melissa WilliamsAvatar of Melissa WilliamsMelissa Williams