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Version: 1.4

Install and Configure

Okteto's Development Environments enable you to work directly with a deployed application and see your code changes live on the cloud as soon as you hit save.

These Dev environments work using a combination of Okteto Cloud, which is used to deploy your application, and Okteto CLI, which is used to launch the Dev Environment. This guide will teach how to get started with remote Development Environments.

Installing Okteto CLI

Install the Okteto CLI following these steps:

MacOS / Linux

$ curl -sSfL | sh

If you need a specific version you can set the OKTETO_VERSION environment variable:

$ curl -sSfL | OKTETO_VERSION=2.3.3 sh

You can also install it via brew by running:

$ brew install okteto


Download and add it to your $PATH.

You can also install it via scoop by running:

$ scoop install okteto


Alternatively, you can directly download the binary from GitHub or build it directly from the source code.

Configuring Okteto CLI with Okteto Cloud

You can launch a remote Development Environment on Okteto Cloud or any Kubernetes cluster with the Okteto CLI. For this guide, we'll be using Okteto Cloud.

The first thing you need to do is configure Okteto CLI to use Okteto Cloud. To do this, run the command below:

$ okteto context use

You can confirm that your CLI is configured by running the command below:

$ okteto context list
Name                        Namespace             Builder                                 Registry * cindylopez tcp://

Getting Your Application Ready

For Okteto CLI to know how to launch your Development Environment, it needs an Okteto manifest. This manifest allows you to provide configuration for your Development Environments. Okteto CLI will analyze any existing manifests (Helm, Kubernetes, etc.) in your source code directory and help you write an Okteto manifest for your application. The Okteto manifest is necessary in all cases except if you already have a Docker compose file configured for your application.

If you don't have an Okteto manifest for your application, you can run okteto init. This generates the Okteto manifest, which you can then edit based on your needs. You can learn more about the manifest here.

For the Getting Started guide, we already have the Okteto manifest configured for our application, so this step won't be needed.

Next Steps

In this section, we installed Okteto CLI on our machine and configured it to work with Okteto Cloud. Next, we're going to launch our Dev Environment and fix a bug in a sample application.