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Version: 1.9

Deploy Applications from your Terminal

You have full access to your Kubernetes namespaces on Okteto Cloud directly from your terminal, using the tools you're already familiar with, such as helm, kubectl, okteto or skaffold.

Download your Kubernetes credentials

In order to access your namespaces from your terminal, download your Kubernetes credentials from Okteto Cloud. This document will walk you through the necessary steps for this.

You can also use the okteto kubeconfig command to download your Kubernetes credentials. This will let you interact with your Okteto Namespaces using Kubernetes-native tools like kubectl or helm.

Deploy your Application

Once the credentials have been configured, deploy your applications using your favorite CLI tool. For example, you could use kubectl to deploy our hello-world application:

kubectl apply -f

Okteto Cloud is a multi-tenant environment. A combination of RBAC, pod security policies, resource quotas, network policies, admission controllers, and custom code is put in-place to ensure that Okteto Cloud namespaces are isolated, secure, and easy to use for everyone. Take a look at this document to understand the limitations and restrictions most likely to affect your applications in Okteto Cloud.