Okteto’s First Community Call Recap
On Thursday, May 27th, we hosted our very first community call! It was a great time to connect with members of our community and share all the things going on here at Okteto.
Make developers’ lives easier
To kick things off, Ramiro discussed Okteto’s mission to make developers’ lives easier. He spoke about both the way we approach our products now, and how we plan for the future. Here at Okteto, we want to help solve developers' problems and we enjoy hearing from our members about how we can help you code faster and be more productive.
If you’ve been paying attention to what’s been going on here at Okteto, then it’s probably no surprise to you that we recently released our new integration with docker-compose. This is exciting because we know that by adding more tools that integrate with Okteto, we’re helping you be more productive without having to change out all the tools you already use.
Demo of the docker-compose integration
Abdulazeez, our Developer Advocate, did a full demo of our new docker-compose integration so community members could see first hand how easy it is to integrate with their own workflow. Follow along with him in the replay!
Special guest Sangam Biradar
We also had a special guest join us for this first call! Sangam Birardar is an active member of the Okteto community, and the founder of the Docker Bangalore and Okteto meetup groups (which we highly recommend if you’re in the area). He shared about his journey with Okteto, and shared a demo on how he uses Okteto in his workflow. Check out the replay to go step by step through his process.
Write for us!
Lastly, we introduced our Guest Tech Writer program. We’d love to know how you use Okteto with your favorite programming language, or feature a special project you’ve created using our tools. It’s our goal to feature more voices on our blog while helping members of our community share what they’re doing with others. If you’re interested in participating or would like more information, please head to our Tech Writer page to get all the info. We welcome any questions you may have!
Our next community call will take place in June, and we’ll be posting specifics soon. If there’s anything you’d like to learn more about, or if you’d like to be part of the next call to share something cool, please get in touch!
Also, if you attended or watched the replay and can give us any feedback about what you liked, or what you’d like to see happen in future calls, we’d appreciate it!